Curso de Español de los Negocios en Salamanca, España - Colegio Tía TulaSpanish for Business Course in Salamanca Spain - Tía Tula Spanish SchoolCours d'Espagnol des Affaires à Salamanque, Espagne - École Tía TulaSpanischkurs für den Beruf in Salamanca, Spanien - Tía Tula SprachschuleCorso di Spagnolo per Affari a Salamanca, Spagna - Scuola Tía TulaCurso de espanhol para os negócios em Salamanca, Espanha – Colégio Tía TulaÜzleti Spanyol kurzus Salamancában (Spanyolország) – Tía Tula Spanyol NyelviskolaCursussen voor Zakelijk Spaans met examenmogelijkheid Kamer van Koophandel MadridKurzy obchodní španělštiny v Salamance ve Španělsku - Jazyková škola Tía TulaKurzy obchodnej španielčiny v Salamanke v Španielsku – Jazyková škola Tía TulaKurs języka hiszpańskiego dla firm w Salamance, Hiszpanii - Szkoła Tía TulaКурсы делового языка в Саламанке, в Испании, в Тия Тула языковой школеティアトゥラ スペイン語学校-ビジネススペイン語コース(サラマンカ)

Spanish for Business Course

What the Spanish for Business Course is

This course is designed for those professionals that want to use the Spanish language in their work, maybe because they need to communicate with countries that speak Spanish. It is designed as well for those who simply enjoy the Spanish applied to this knowledge area.
At the end of the course the student could take the exam of the Chamber of Commerce in Madrid. As Tía Tula collaborates with the Chamber of Commerce, students can take the exam here at the school, in Salamanca: it is not necessary to travel to Madrid.
The course is given completely in Spanish. To take it you need at minimum to be at the intermediate level (B2).


The material utilized in this course consists of:
  • A specific book to Business Spanish.
  • Booklet of exercises that our faculty has elaborated on that complements the vocabulary in the book.
  • Previous exams from the Chamber of Commerce.


The team of professors that give this course have a lot of experience teaching an have always had great results on previous occasions. It is formed by expert Philologists in the instruction of Spanish as a foreign language and Bachelors of Economics, Law or Business Administration.

Duration of the course

This course is 4 weeks, 10 hours per week.

Number of students per group

Maximum number is 10 students per group.

Compatibility with other courses

This course is fully compatible with any other Tía Tula Spanish course, like an intensive course or a one-to-one course, for instance.


The price of the course is 385 euros but now, as a special offer, if you complete your registration (including payment) before 30/04/2024 you will have a 10% discount, so the price will be 346 euros. This offer cannot be combined with other offers. It does not include the registration or the cost of the exam.

How to register (or ask any question)

Apply for your enrolment by writing to us through the section Contact Us or send an email to We will send you answer at the soonest possible time.
wen con alumna
Rua Mayor
alumno en hall
visitando la Catedral
rosa y alumna
vanessa con alumna

Accreditations & Partners


Los proyectos tienen como objetivo genérico conseguir un tejido empresarial más competitivo en el marco internacional.

Actuaciones subvencionadas:
  • Marketing Internacional: catálogos, promoción en internet (de julio a diciembre 2017)
  • Misión comercial a China (octubre 2017)
  • Participación Convención ACTFL (15-19 noviembre 2017)
  • Misión comercial a Japón diciembre 2017

Acciones cofinanciadas por el Instituto para la Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León (ICE) y por Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER).

Tía Tula Colegio de Español, SL - c/ Palominos, 23 - 37008 - Salamanca - España (Spain) - - Site map
CIF: B-37410214 - Registro Mercantil de Salamanca, Tomo 306, Folio 129, Hoja SA-9180
Términos y condiciones - Política ambiental - Aviso legal

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