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Cursos Intensivos de Español en Salamanca, España - Colegio Tía TulaIntensive Spanish Courses in Salamanca, Spain - Tía Tula Language SchoolCours Intensifs d'Espagnol à Salamanque, Espagne - Tía TulaSpanisch Intensivkurse in Salamanca, Spanien - Tía Tula SprachschuleCorsi Generali Intensivi di Spagnolo a Salamanca, Spagna - Scuola Tía TulaCurso intensivos de Espanhol em Salamanca, Espanha – Colégio Tía tulaIntenzív spanyolkurzusok Salamancában, Spanyolországban. Tía Tula Spanyol Nyelviskola.Intensieve Cursussen Spaans in Salamanca SpanjeIntenzivní kurzy španělštiny v Salamance ve Španělsku - jazyková škola Tía TulaIntenzívne kurzy španielčiny v Salamanke v Španielsku – jazyková škola Tía TulaIntensywne kursy hiszpańskiego w Salamance, Hiszpanii - Szkoła Tía TulaИнтенсивные курсы испанского языка в Саламанке, Тиа Тула яазыковая школаティアトゥラ スペイン語学校-インテンシブ スペイン語コース

インテンシブ スペイン語コース

インテンシブ スペイン語コースは下記の6種類です:
CI : インテンシブ スペイン語コース
文法と実用会話(1日4時間) のコースです。
Logo UPSA This course provides ECTS credits awarded by the Pontifical University of Salamanca. Credits can be earned in courses from 80 hours or more (4 weeks). Students can request the corresponding certificate before starting the course (certificate issuing costs not included in the course price).
CICO : CI + 会話
文法と実用会話(1日4時間)+ 会話(1日1時間) のコースです。
Logo UPSA This course provides ECTS credits awarded by the Pontifical University of Salamanca. Credits can be earned in courses from 100 hours or more (4 weeks). Students can request the corresponding certificate before starting the course (certificate issuing costs not included in the course price).
CICC : CI + 文化と文明
文法と実用会話(1日4時間)+ スペイン文化・文明(1日1時間) のコースです。
このコースは、スペインの歴史、芸術、地理、習慣、祭日、流行語などについて学びます。スペインについての理解を深めることができるので、スペイン語以外にも地中海沿岸の文化 を知りたい学生向けのコースです。
Logo UPSA This course provides ECTS credits awarded by the Pontifical University of Salamanca. Credits can be earned in courses from 100 hours or more (4 weeks). Students can request the corresponding certificate before starting the course (certificate issuing costs not included in the course price).
Super-Intensive : CI + Conversation + Voc. & Writing
4 hours daily of Grammar and Práctical Conversation (spoken and written) + 2 hours daily of Vocabulary and Writing + 1 daily of Conversation. This is a strictyly speaking intensive course: in addition to the intensive base course (CI), the daily schedule includes two hours of vocabulary and writing skills, and one hour of conversation.

Students quickly improve their fluency and further practise all the communication skills by actively participating in class. By the end of the program, students feel more confident when using Spanish, as their knowledge has been highly reinforced. It is perfect for those who seek a substantial improvement in the short term..

The course is to be taken within one or two weeks, but it can be extended by request of the student.
Logo UPSA This course provides ECTS credits awarded by the Pontifical University of Salamanca. Credits can be earned in courses from 140 hours or more (4 weeks). Students can request the corresponding certificate before starting the course (certificate issuing costs not included in the course price).
One-to-one lessons
One-to-one lessons: A teacher devoted to only one student. Tailor-made Spanish lessons, adapted to the student’s level, learning pace, needs and aims to take the most advantage of every minute of class.

Two basic packages: ‘One-to-one 10’ (10h/week; 2h/day) and ‘One-to-one 20’ (20h/week; 4h/day).
Combo : CI/CICO + 1 one-to-one lesson per day
The Combo courses combine group classes (you can choose between a CI or a CICO course) with one-to-one lessons adapted to the student’s needs, providing targeted learning in specific skills or areas where they lack confidence. It is the ideal course for those who want to supplement a class-based course in order to keep up with the class pace, or to focus individually on specific skills or subjects of the Spanish language.

Two basic packages: ‘Combo CI’ (5 h/day: CI course (4h/day) + 1 one-to-one lesson a day) and ‘Combo CICO’ (6h/day: CICO course (5h/day) + 1 one-to-one lesson a day)
Logo UPSA This course provides ECTS credits awarded by the Pontifical University of Salamanca. Credits can be earned in courses from 100 hours or more (Combo CI) (4 weeks) and 120 hours or more (Combo CICO) (4 weeks). Students can request the corresponding certificate before starting the course (certificate issuing costs not included in the course price).


コースは6つのレベルに分けられています。 A1(入門) A2(初級) B1(中級1) B2(中級2) C1(上級) C2(最上級)






毎週月曜日に、コースを開始することができます。初心者で、入門クラスに入る方は、コース日程 に記載された開講日からのみ、コースの開始が可能です。入門レベルの方は、レベルテストを受ける必要はありません。


料金 のページにて計算できます。


オンライン申込み のページより、簡単に申込みができます。お申込み後、自動返信のメールが届きます。その後、学校スタッフより直接、確認のメールが届くので、指示に従って申込みを完了して下さい。スタッフから直接の連絡が来るまで、支払いの必要はありません。申込みをする前に、コースや滞在にかかる費用を知りたい場合は、料金計算機 のページで計算することができます。
alumnos en plaza mayor
rana de la Universidad
fiesta en colegio
habitacion compartida
visita por monumentos
vista nocturna de Catedral
alumnas con material


Los proyectos tienen como objetivo genérico conseguir un tejido empresarial más competitivo en el marco internacional.

Actuaciones subvencionadas:
  • Marketing Internacional: catálogos, promoción en internet (de julio a diciembre 2017)
  • Misión comercial a China (octubre 2017)
  • Participación Convención ACTFL (15-19 noviembre 2017)
  • Misión comercial a Japón diciembre 2017

Acciones cofinanciadas por el Instituto para la Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León (ICE) y por Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER).

Tía Tula Colegio de Español, SL - c/ Palominos, 23 - 37008 - Salamanca - España (Spain) - -
CIF: B-37410214 - Registro Mercantil de Salamanca, Tomo 306, Folio 129, Hoja SA-9180
Términos y condiciones - Política ambiental - Aviso legal

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Ester - Dpto. Atención al cliente

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