Cursos de traducción en Salamanca, España - Colegio Tía TulaCoursse for translation in Salamanca, España - Colegio Tía Tula

Courses for translation

Translation is a discipline that has undergone an astonishing transformation in recent years. Numerous theories and schools of translation have come into existence. Our aim in these courses, however, is not to fill your head with theoretical ideas but rather to provide you with practical and useful tools for your future career as a translator.

Be ready for a practical translation course; this means you will work a lot at home preparing texts and presenting and commenting on your versions in class. We also want you to tell us about your various points of view so that the learning process will be bidirectional and enriching for all.

How will I know at what level I’m going to work?

We organize written translation on three levels:

  • Level I: Introduction to translation

    If you have advanced knowledge of your foreign language and a good grasp of your mother tongue, or if you are practically bilingual but have never worked in translation, you should start here.

    You will learn translation techniques. We tell you about Computer Aided Translation (CAT) tools, dictionaries, the handling of terminology, glossaries, Internet searches, the labor market, and everything a translator should know to carry out his/her work satisfactorily.

    Then we will translate and translate more and more, because you learn on the job. The teacher will give you all kinds of general texts to cover current affairs: economics, politics, science, gastronomy, sport, etc. You should prepare the translation before the class so that you can play a more active part in class.

  • Level II: General translation practice

    Are you a translation and interpreting student looking for practice in translation into your foreign language? We will do reverse translation. We translate general or informative texts published in the press, advertising, literature, economics, law, medicine, biology, technology... The teacher will supervise at all times the grammar, the style, and the accuracy of the content translated. This is an excellent exercise for perfecting the use of your foreign language.

    The groups are open to both Spanish students and those from other countries because the linguistic knowledge of both groups complements each other perfectly. Our long experience has taught us that the exercise is always more enriching with the support of a native in the language.

  • Level III: Technical translation practice

    We translate written texts from several disciplines: legal texts, economics, industry, pharmaceutical texts, medical reports, administrative forms, agriculture, EU texts, literature, gastronomy... At Level III the vocabulary and the formulation of the text get more complicated. More attention is paid to specialized terminology, glossaries, technical dictionaries, and the search for sources of information in general.


  • Intensive Translation Course in Group

    Languages: English, French, German, Dutch, or Italian with Spanish.

    This course is just right for you if you prefer to translate and learn more Spanish at the same time. It consists of 40 hours of translation class (direct and reverse) per month and a further 40 hours of various disciplines orientated and adapted to the skills a translator needs: 12 hours of grammar, 12 hours on Spain today, 8 hours on expanding vocabulary, and 8 hours of writing and summary.


    • Aimed at: students with Spanish as a foreign language, advanced level, at least B2.
    • Duration: 1, 2, 3, 4 weeks or more.
    • Hours: 20 hours per week (4 hours per day).
    • Levels I, II, and III
    • Content: translation and/or interpreting, Spanish grammar, Spanish vocabulary, writing in Spanish, Spain today.

  • Intensive Translation Course in a Small Group

    Are you interested in a particular field? Are you preparing a legal translation examination? We can work with your texts and help you to draw up a personalized glossary or to find the most suitable information so that you can make the best use of your time.

    We organize the course for a small group of from 2 to 5 students. So that your teachers can prepare the classes carefully, you should give them the material at least a week in advance. If there is no need to work with your texts, we will give you suitable material that is sufficient to last the course.


    • Aimed at:
      • people who need to acquire specific knowledge
      • people who need to undergo continuous professional training or who want to prepare an examination
    • Duration: 1, 2, 3, 4, or more weeks.
    • Hours: 20 hours per week.
    • Levels I, II, and III.
    • Content: the program of the texts or speeches is adapted to the participants’ needs.

  • Individual course

    If you prefer to be alone with a teacher, you can choose this individual course which is fully personalized and exclusively adapted to your needs and interests.

    You set the course duration, the number of hours, and the dates of the course, together with the content. The course will allow you to concentrate on what you really need to learn or improve. So that your teachers can prepare you well, you should get in touch with us at least a week in advance.


    • Aimed at: those who need to work alone with the teacher
    • Duration: 1, 2, 3, 4 or more weeks
    • Hours: 15, 20, or 25 hours per week
    • Levels I, II, and III
    • Content: according to your needs


Weeks(hours) Group Small Group
1 week (20h) 230€ 322€
2 weeks (40h) 450€ 630€
3 weeks (60h) 670€ 938€
4 weeks (80h) 890€ 1246€
EXTRA 220€ 308€

Weeks/Hours One-to-one lessons
Week 15h 600€/week
Week 20h 760€/week
Week 25h 900€/week
EXTRA 5h 140€/week
grupo diploma
mercado barroco en Salamanca
conociendo Salamanca
clase de cocina
anamirna natacha
Catedral de noche
en puerta de tiatula
alumnos con diplomas

Anerkennungen und Partner


Los proyectos tienen como objetivo genérico conseguir un tejido empresarial más competitivo en el marco internacional.

Actuaciones subvencionadas:
  • Marketing Internacional: catálogos, promoción en internet (de julio a diciembre 2017)
  • Misión comercial a China (octubre 2017)
  • Participación Convención ACTFL (15-19 noviembre 2017)
  • Misión comercial a Japón diciembre 2017

Acciones cofinanciadas por el Instituto para la Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León (ICE) y por Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER).

Tía Tula Colegio de Español, SL - c/ Palominos, 23 - 37008 - Salamanca - España (Spain) - - Site map
CIF: B-37410214 - Registro Mercantil de Salamanca, Tomo 306, Folio 129, Hoja SA-9180
Términos y condiciones - Política ambiental - Aviso legal

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