Trabaja como estudiante de Español en Prácticas o como Agente ExternoWork as a Spanish Student Intern or as a Freelance AgentTravailler avec nous en tant qu'étudiant d'Espagnol en stage ou représentant externeArbeite mit uns zusammen als Praktikant und Spanischschüler oder als externer AgentCollabora come studente in pratica o come agente esternoTrabalho como estudante de Espanhol em práticas e como agente comercialDolgozz velünk gyakornokként vagy külső ügynökkéntStagiair bij talenschool in Salamanca, vertegenwoordiger talenschool Pracujte s námi jako student španělštiny na praxi nebo jako externí agentPracujte s nami ako študent španielčiny na praxi alebo ako externý agentPracuj jako uczeń hiszpańskiego na praktykach (stażysta) lub agent zewnętrznyРаботайте в школе практикантом или агентомティアトゥラ スペイン語学校-ティアトゥラで働く

Work with us as a Student Intern or as a Freelance Agent

 As a Student Intern  
Come work with us as a student intern. Work part time in exchange for a 50% free Intensive Spanish Language course. You will study while you work, with the 50% free course in the mornings and work in the office during the afternoon. Or you can do it vis versa, have class in the afternoon and work in the morning.

As well as the 50% free course, you will also be able to take advantage of free internet at the school and participate in all the extracurricular activities the school provides including movies, going out around town, trips, etc.

Write us by clicking on the menu option Contact or write us directly at if you want to learn more.
Opinion of Michael Vietze, student intern at Tía Tula

As a student at Tía Tula I killed two birds with one stone: on one hand, I had the chance to perfect my Spanish with an excellent class and on the other, I was able to have my first professional work experiences in the Spanish-speaking world.
The classes I had every day with Pablo, an excellent teacher, helped me to improve my Spanish Language knowledge and at work every morning I got an idea about marketing and organizational skills in an extrordinary school.
After that, all the fun in the student filled town of Salamanca! I will never forget it. In my flat, during the group work at the school, in class and in all the extra-curricular activities I got to know a lot of nice people that made my time in Salamanca an unforgettable experience. So much so that, in the end, it was hard to say goodbye to the school, the city and especially the people that had gone out of their way to show me so much kindness during my internship with Colegio Tía Tula. Thank you so much for everything!
 As a Freelance Agent  

Do you want to work as an agent (not as a Spanish teacher*, but as an agent), because you think you can send us new students from your country or from different countries? You can earn a lot of money this way. And completely at your own pace, being your own boss.

Write us by clicking on the menu option Contact or write us directly at if you want to learn more.

* To work as a Spanish teacher at Tía Tula it is necessary to reside in Salamanca (Spain). We work with our permanent team, and when we have a vacancy we share it on our social networks, so we encourage you to follow us.
habitacion doble
la Clerecia
piroska y johanna
terraza de Plaza Mayor

Accreditations & Partners


Los proyectos tienen como objetivo genérico conseguir un tejido empresarial más competitivo en el marco internacional.

Actuaciones subvencionadas:
  • Marketing Internacional: catálogos, promoción en internet (de julio a diciembre 2017)
  • Misión comercial a China (octubre 2017)
  • Participación Convención ACTFL (15-19 noviembre 2017)
  • Misión comercial a Japón diciembre 2017

Acciones cofinanciadas por el Instituto para la Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León (ICE) y por Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER).

Tía Tula Colegio de Español, SL - c/ Palominos, 23 - 37008 - Salamanca - España (Spain) - - Site map
CIF: B-37410214 - Registro Mercantil de Salamanca, Tomo 306, Folio 129, Hoja SA-9180
Términos y condiciones - Política ambiental - Aviso legal

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Ester - Dpto. Atención al cliente

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Los campos con * son obligatorios:

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