Calcula tu presupuesto para venir a aprender Español a Tía Tula en Salamanca, EspañaGet your budget to come to learn Spanish to Tía Tula in Salamanca, SpainFais ton budget pour venir pour apprendre l'Espagnol à Tía Tula à Salamanque, EspagneKalkuliere die Kosten deines Spanisch-Sprachaufenthaltes bei Tía Tula, Salamanca (Spanien)Convincere il vostro preventivo per venire imparare lo Spagnolo a Tía Tula Salamanca, SpagnaCalcule seu orçamento para vir aprender Espanñ, lo a Tía Tula em Salamanca, EspanhaKöltségvetés készítése, előjelentkezés nyelvtanfolyamra a salamancai Tía Tulába, SpanyolországbaPrijsberekening Spaanse cursus en verblijf in SalamancaVypočítejte si Vaše výdaje spojené s příchodem a studováním španělštiny v Tía Tule v Salamance, ŠpanělskoVypočítajte si Vaše výdavky spojené s príchodom a študovaním španielčiny v Tía Tule v Salamanke, ŠpanielskoOblicz koszt kursu hiszpańskiego w Salamance, Hiszpaniiсделайте свой бюджет перед приездом в Тиа Тула, Саламанка, Испанияスペイン語コースの料金計算-ティアトゥラ スペイン語学校 (サラマンカ)

Your Budget Calculator

Select your options and get your own budget. Options marked with * are necessary to obtain a result:
Base Course chosen for the registration * (you must select one; see General Intensive Spanish Courses):
CI - Spanish Language Intensive Course
CICO - CI + Conversation
CICC - CI + Culture and Civilization
One-to-one 20 - 20 one-to-one lessons per week
One-to-one 10 - 10 one-to-one lessons per week
Combo CI - CI + One-to-one lessons
Combo CICO - CICO + one-to-One lessons
Intensive Translation Course in Group
Intensive Translation Course in a Small Group
Individual Translation classes : 15 classes per week
Individual Translation classes : 20 classes per week
Individual Translation classes : 25 classes per week
Intensive Interpretation Course in Group
Intensive Interpretation Course in a Small Group
Individual Interpretation classes : 15 classes per week
Individual Interpretation classes : 20 classes per week
Individual Interpretation classes : 25 classes per week
Complementary courses (elective all of them; you can register so many as you want); see Complementary Courses):
One-to-one 5 (5 one-to-one lessons per week)
Spanish Culture and Civilization
Spanish and Latin-American Literature
Spanish and Latin-American Cinema
Mixed: Conversation + Composition
Spanish for Business
Course start and end dates * (keep in mind our Academic Calendar, especially if you have a "Beginner" level):


NOTE: Course registration is measured in weeks. Each Monday begins a new week, from Monday to Friday and counts as one completed week. If sign up is completed on a day other than Monday, the sign up date will be recorded as the previous Monday. The minimum allowed period of attendance is two weeks.

If you are interested in accommodation as well, choose the options you prefer:
I would choose:

         Room type
          Private room  
          Shared room  
         Board type
          Partial board  
          Full board  

          Shared flat, private room  
          Shared flat, shared room  

Another option I want to be managed (you must then specify it in the Comments area below)



The first date is the date you'll arrive to the accommodation. The second date, the date you will leave it.

Total: weeks and extra nights.

Registration ........................................................................ 50
Courses total .............................................................
Accommodation (1) .............................................................
Transfer airport-Salamanca ..............................................
(1) If you have chosen "Another option I want to be managed" as accommodation option, the accommodation costs will be fixed later, depending on the type of accommodation you have asked for.
If you want to use an offer code, type it here:

#FLASH - Ver
#LongTermCourses - Ver
Special coupon offer   
Extra coupon   

If no result is shown in the TOTAL box, maybe you have not completed properly fields marked with the asterisk *: Base Course and Course start and end dates. If the problem persists after completing them, ask us your budget from the menu option Contact.

Save your selected options above to do your complete Pre-Registration:
pinchos en bar El Corrillo
piroska y johanna
visita a la Catedral
wen y montse
grupo en la escuela
dentro del colegio
estudiantes en Plaza Mayor de noche
visitando la Universidad
tapas en pulperia
tomando pinchos

Accreditations & Partners


Los proyectos tienen como objetivo genérico conseguir un tejido empresarial más competitivo en el marco internacional.

Actuaciones subvencionadas:
  • Marketing Internacional: catálogos, promoción en internet (de julio a diciembre 2017)
  • Misión comercial a China (octubre 2017)
  • Participación Convención ACTFL (15-19 noviembre 2017)
  • Misión comercial a Japón diciembre 2017

Acciones cofinanciadas por el Instituto para la Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León (ICE) y por Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER).

Tía Tula Colegio de Español, SL - c/ Palominos, 23 - 37008 - Salamanca - España (Spain) - - Site map
CIF: B-37410214 - Registro Mercantil de Salamanca, Tomo 306, Folio 129, Hoja SA-9180
Términos y condiciones - Política ambiental - Aviso legal

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Ester - Dpto. Atención al cliente

¡Hola! ¿En qué puedo ayudarte?

Los campos con * son obligatorios:

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